Monday, June 1, 2015

How the Month Went... May 2015 edition

May 2015

Miles Walked 21.57 miles
Finished Les Mills 9 week Program
MADE MONTH STRAIGHT - over 10,000 steps!!!

May... gone...

Before I get started... can I mention all that yellow - On EVERY STINKIN' DAY!?!?!

I did a challenge to get in 10,000 steps a day.  I try every day to get my step count up but some days, I just don't make it... I made a POINT to get it ... EVERY DAY...

& I DID IT!!!!

I still can't believe it.

I'm glad to see I can do it.

Now, it did take a toll on my shins - a lot of barefoot walking in random places will probably do that.  I could feel the work in my quads.  But it had to be good for me over all. 

If anything, it was good for my pride.  I'll give that much.

May finished me up with Les Mills... left me depressed.

Had me walking some more.  I haven't ran in awhile.  My back & knee has been doing decent - I've been afraid to jinx it so just sticking with walking. I haven't minded.  I may keep it up... may start the C25K again ....

Look at the name of the song...
yeah baby... PRESS ON!!!

but June holds the start of the 21 Day Fix... my food changes started today. I don't want to call it a diet.  Food changes sounds easier to deal with... & the workouts start tonight. I'm kinda afraid truth be told. I hear its tough. 

But I'm tougher :)

Did you accomplish anything great in May?
What was your fitness highlight of the month?


  1. Your journal is awesome! I'm loving those step counts! I didn't make it a few days but went over on other days to try to compensate. Good luck with your food changes.

    1. Thanks... I made my journal myself to work for me :)
      It was more of a challenge then I expected getting in those steps.

  2. I knew you could do it! I am so proud of you!

  3. 10,000+ steps a day for a month is such an amazing accomplishment! Congrats!

  4. Wow you rocked the steps! Super job, and super month, congrats!


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