Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday Five: thoughts on 21 Day fix ... & my food for Day 11

One // I need more variety

So far, I'm making it on the plan & following it exactly to a tee, but I'm finding that 2 weeks in, I'm eating the same thing.  I probably did the same thing eating junk food... hello Taco Bell... but I guess because my focus is so much on food right now, I'm noticing it even more.  I'm really going to friend up Pinterest this weekend & plan out more dinners.  (Like me friend up Pinterest on a weekend is anything new)

Two // Getting nervous for final weigh in

So far, I'm down 2.5 lbs.  I'm scared that at the end of next week, that's what its going to be.  & I'm going to be disappointed. Sorry, I will be.  Though, today, I did find a article that gave reasons why sometimes your body doesn't react until you do the plan two times in a row.  So I'm not getting TOO upset just yet.  But after 42 days & not much has changed, then watch out. It will not be a pretty scene.

Three // Cross Training is important!

I'm finding that you can get use to a certain work out & not realize how out of shape you still are.  I mean, I was knocking out Les Mills Combat like a ninja, kicking, punching... but let me do a minute of lunges & I'm crying like a wimp.  It's good to do new things, getting my body in better shape every time.  & points to me, doing some of these videos for the 2nd time, I can see improvement already.  That is good for my sore beat up soul.

Four // Blue is my favorite

I see people talk everywhere where Yellow is their favorite. Give me Blue. One a day... but its what allows shredded cheese, hummus or avocado.  mmmm... its the highlight of my day. Every day. I plan every day what I get to use my blue cup on. 

Five // Stronger then I thought

I can't believe I have made it 2 weeks without a York Peppermint Patty... or eating any type of chips... or crackers. I promise you, I would have never thought I could do that.

& my food for Day 11

Breakfast - Eggs with yellow peppers & wheat tortilla

Snack #1 - apples & PB

Lunch - Tuna & Cucumbers on wheat tortilla  - Grapes

Snack #2 - Shakeology & banana / nuts ... (I was STARVING today!!!)

Dinner - veggie burger on wheat thin & avocado!!! - Sweet potato & mushrooms

21 day fix

Snack #3 - Orange

Cal 1537 / carbs 202 / Fat 50 /Protein 83 / Fiber 38 / Sugar 71 ... all spot on

So, we're heading into another weekend.  It will be hectic &busy - a Color Run, a birthday party, & a trip to the movies.  I'm already planning on my Orange for sunflower seeds for the movie.

Pressing On!!!


  1. So o those cups actually have printed on it what goes inside or is that text you put over the photo?

    That's one thing I like about PT, i'm always working different parts!

  2. You're doing great and you are stronger than you think. I would really have to put serious thought into what to put in the blue cup since you only get one!

  3. I fell off the wagon after one week because I decided to try the preparation for competition and that was so hard. This week I am going to start from day 1 with the normal program.

  4. I'm a huge fan of cross training. I work with a CrossFit coach, believe it or not, and she got me across the Chicago Marathon finish line with a huge PR last year. Best training plan ever.


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