Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Call me the 10k Kid

So I talked last week about that goal I wanted to do...

move more...

Especially at work.

Stop being a slug at a desk.

Best Seinfeld episode!!!!

& I've been doing it.

Setting that alarm.  Moving every hour.  Making an effort to get blood pumping during the day instead of slowly dying Monday - Friday, 7-4

& look at this step count from my FitBit

Tell me you journal every move you make & every calorie you burn too
... I'm not the only OCD person out there... right?


one full week of over 10,000 steps on my FitBit

I am serious about this goal too.

You can ask my husband.  I'll be marching in place all day long, anywhere, everywhere.

The other night, I was at 6,500 steps at 8:00.... I stood & ran in place while we watched, "What would you do?"... until Ricky was like, "you're getting on my nerves now"... so I kept running up & down the hallway until I hit my 10,000 steps.

I'm anything, if not motivated right now.

& while I did weigh today & still stayed at the same stupid freaking dang weight....


... I'm going keep moving.

I want to see how many days in a row I can do this 10,000 thing.


  1. Haha, that is funny that you were getting on his nerves. Would jump roping count?

  2. LOL... you made me laugh with the commend about you getting on your hubby's nerves. I can just imagine you going up and down your hallway. But awesome job!

  3. That is a LOT of steps! Haha your hallway walking reminds me of when I was doing my run streak and I needed to get a mile in so I just ran in circles around my parking lot. I think my neighbors thought I was insane.

  4. That is some dedication!! I totally laughed out loud about your hubby's comment - too funny!

  5. I'm so impressed! That's awesome and I love that you ran on the spot because frankly I'd do the same thing until I hit that goal. Good luck keeping it up. You gots this :)

  6. you go girl! dont let it discourage you, just because the scale hasnt moved doesnt mean you arent making yourself fitter and healthier :)

  7. That is awesome! I love my fitbit too!
    Once I walked around my backyard about 20 times so I would hit my 10K for the day. I am sure my neighbors thought I was the crazy lady doing laps around her yard, staring down her shirt every so often to check the results, LOL. Good luck with getting your 10K everyday!


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