A new, large study has found that even just a few minutes of jogging a day — no matter how slow — can significantly help your health.
& then they said this as well
the surprising finding in this large study was just how little running it took to see a benefit. Researchers found that the lowered death risk was similar across all types, from those who ran more than 150 minutes a week at a fast six-minute-mile pace to those who ran 50 minutes or less a week at 10 minutes per mile or slower. The authors concluded that just five or 10 minutes a day of running at any speed — even slower than six miles per hour (10 minutes per mile) — led to "substantial and attainable" affects to life expectancy.
I had to laugh when they said "slower" is about 10 minute miles... I'm going with the 'or slower' part of that statement.
This makes me feel good about running up & down my driveway to get a mile in. I did that one time. Tried for 30 days to get at least 1 mile in a day. Looks like that's the way to go....
& today is the link up to the #100SummerMiles over at Mind of Kiwi
Trying to get in some miles this summer.
Walk, run, do what you gotta do to move... & if you hit 100 miles, awesome. If not, you moved some.
I've been doing this (this is week 2) but didn't document it the first week. This week, I made sure to take some pics...
I even RAN for the first time in forever on this mile ... knee did decent... but read below what's happened now... |
Even doing #100SummerMiles during lunch & walking in skirts ...whatever works... |
So it's been great getting in these miles.
& as I've mentioned, I've been doing the Nike Kinect Training. It's been pretty neat feeling & seeing the difference in my body. I am doing more push ups, my squats are getting deeper. Feeling strong.
.... & then last night, on one of the moves where they have you jump from a squat, my knee popped & had this excruciating pain... I mean, the kind where I fell on the ground, held it & rocked & cried.
It was doing so good.
I want to break my Nike Kinect disc into a million pieces.
I did walk last night (no pic) & my knee was aching, but dang it... I feel like I'm back to square one. I had that little taste of running & feeling like I was going to get back there... & BAM. A few jumps & looks where I'm at...
Time is ticking closer to suck it up & go to the doc....