Sorry - I can't hear "award" & not think of Sally Field.
But I did get this Liebster Award that is going around from two awesome bloggers.

The first from my amazing blog friend Lauren from Lauren's Glass Slipper ... she's always so faithful in commenting & being a source of encouragement...
Then I got it again from Unexpected Runner who I met on Facebook & finding to be another cool running chic... gotta love those kinds of chics...
So there are rules to this award business... here they are...
The Liebster Award Rules 1. You must link back to the person who nominated you
2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award
4. You must create 10 questions for your nominees
5. You must go to their blogs and notify the nominees
So I'll answer the first set of questions I got first & then the next...
Good thing I love questions...
here we go
1. So far, what is your favorite race that you have run and why?
The Ky Derby Mini Marathon in 2012 ... I hit my time I was trying for & when I realized I was going to do it, I saw my husband. I started crying & asked him to finish with me. I crossed the finish line under my time by like 0.5 seconds & I cried like a baby in sheer joy.
2. What is your favorite childhood memory?
So many... I had a fantastic childhood. Memories of late night kick ball games, fishing trips with grandparents, Gatlinburg trips with my parents every year... I have no complaints about my childhood
3. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
The voice to say what I'm thinking on any subject... & then finding like minded people who you really get to know...
4. What are you most passionate about?
Animals.... Being a vegetarian & taking care of my dogs... I hate animal abuse & hate to see any animal get hurt in any way...
5. What is your dream job?
I wish I would have been a school teacher...
6. If a movie were to be made about your life, what celebrity would play you?
Drew Barrymore or Rachel McAdams...
neither one looks a thing like me but I always tell everyone I think I look like them.
7. If you could have played a character from any movie, who would you pick?
Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge. Those Clothes... a musical... Ewan McGregor singing with me? Yes to all the above.
Plus, I'm sure I can rock a death scene.
8. What is your favorite Disney movie and why?
If you never need to know anything about me, its that I'm obsessed with Beauty & the Beast. I mean OBSESSED. I had 2 bedrooms dedicated to nothing but B&B collectibles at one point. I fully believe I am Belle... & yes, my husband is exactly like the Beast... at the end that is... when he turns into the Prince - the long red hair. It's my husband. You have no idea how long I've been obsessed with the whole Beauty & the Beast story. I even go back to the TV show with Katherine & Vincent... I'm telling you - OBSESSED
9. What is the #1 race on your bucket list?
Disney Princess Half Marathon - without a doubt
10. If you could choose one food to have zero calories, what would it be?
OK... hanging in there with me?
Let's do the 2nd round of questions...
1. Road, trail, or mud?
I'd go with Trail... just because that means I'd probably be in trees & trees are the best.
2. What is your preferred distance?
I love a good 10K... long enough but short enough
3. What is your “dream” race?
Same as above... Disney Princess Half Marathon... I've gotta do it before I die... just gotta!
4. What fitness app do you use the most?
I use my My Fitness Pal more then anything... always good to depress myself & talk myself out of snacks I would otherwise eat.
5. What do you do for cross training?
Right now, I'm in the T25 for my cross training... but I have a good supply of awesome 80's work out videos that still rock you out pretty hard core.
6. What is your funniest running or race story?
I'll go with this past half marathon I ran... it was over & me & my hubs were walking back to the car. You had to cross the road where the race was happening. My poor husband is oblivious sometimes & walked right out in front of the marathoners & he didn't even noticed them. The runners were going all around him & he STILL didn't see them. I just stood on the side of the road laughing at him. I was afraid to tell him to watch out because I know him - he would have ran into every single one of them like a bowling ball in a bowling alley... I still laugh about it.
7. If you have one, who is your favorite running partner? If you don’t have one, what celebrity would you most like to join you on a run?
I don't have a running partner - so I'll go with a celebrity & it would be Drew Carey... I say that because I would imagine he would be entertaining on the way & I know he's a runner.
8. How many pairs of exercise-related shoes do you own?
Oh wow... off the top of my head, I know I have 6 boxes of running shoes on the inside of my closet - that's not counting what is stored over head...
I love my running shoes.
9. What is your favorite snack?
Healthy or not? My favorite healthy snack is a Clif Mojo Mountain Mix Bar... mmmm..
Not healthy? A York Peppermint Patty
10. What is one thing that you can do today that you never thought you would be able to accomplish?
I always said I'd never run. I tore my hamstrings in martial arts young & have knee problems ever since. So that I've done 6 half marathons & a few dozen other races blows my mind... completely.... even still....
So my turn to forward it on... & I think most of the running blogs I read have already received it... but I'll pass it on anyways so you can see the links of some of my favorites...
Corey at Fatherverse
Rennay at Vegetarian in the Ville
The Princesses at 2 Princesses on the Run
Maria from The Good Life Girl
The awesome sisters at Fairy Tales & Fitness
Anita at Running Against the Odds
Katie at From Ice Cream to Marathon
Rachel at Running Rachel
My wedding co-hort at Runaway Bridal Planner
& my questions for you to answer, if you haven't already done so.
If you have, just pick one & leave your answer in my comments :)
1. Your favorite piece of running equipment?
2. When did you start running & why?
3. Favorite athlete (can be in any sport)
4. Shorts, capris or running skirt?
5. Favorite brand of shoes?
6. Worse running injury?
7. What you wish you could go back & tell your younger running self?
8. What one food do you usually eat every day?
9. Favorite TV show you're watching right now?
10. Favorite Disney Character you relate to the most :)
Thanks again for sending me the award.
Its been really cool - I have been blogging for 7 years at my other blog (link is above) but starting the 'running/fitness' blog has been a new thing that I'm glad I've done - have met the coolest people that inspire me!
2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award
4. You must create 10 questions for your nominees
5. You must go to their blogs and notify the nominees
So I'll answer the first set of questions I got first & then the next...
Good thing I love questions...
here we go
1. So far, what is your favorite race that you have run and why?
The Ky Derby Mini Marathon in 2012 ... I hit my time I was trying for & when I realized I was going to do it, I saw my husband. I started crying & asked him to finish with me. I crossed the finish line under my time by like 0.5 seconds & I cried like a baby in sheer joy.
2. What is your favorite childhood memory?
So many... I had a fantastic childhood. Memories of late night kick ball games, fishing trips with grandparents, Gatlinburg trips with my parents every year... I have no complaints about my childhood
3. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
The voice to say what I'm thinking on any subject... & then finding like minded people who you really get to know...
4. What are you most passionate about?
Animals.... Being a vegetarian & taking care of my dogs... I hate animal abuse & hate to see any animal get hurt in any way...
5. What is your dream job?
I wish I would have been a school teacher...
6. If a movie were to be made about your life, what celebrity would play you?
Drew Barrymore or Rachel McAdams...
neither one looks a thing like me but I always tell everyone I think I look like them.
7. If you could have played a character from any movie, who would you pick?
Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge. Those Clothes... a musical... Ewan McGregor singing with me? Yes to all the above.
Plus, I'm sure I can rock a death scene.
8. What is your favorite Disney movie and why?
If you never need to know anything about me, its that I'm obsessed with Beauty & the Beast. I mean OBSESSED. I had 2 bedrooms dedicated to nothing but B&B collectibles at one point. I fully believe I am Belle... & yes, my husband is exactly like the Beast... at the end that is... when he turns into the Prince - the long red hair. It's my husband. You have no idea how long I've been obsessed with the whole Beauty & the Beast story. I even go back to the TV show with Katherine & Vincent... I'm telling you - OBSESSED
![]() |
Don't be mistaken for me & my husband here |
9. What is the #1 race on your bucket list?
Disney Princess Half Marathon - without a doubt
10. If you could choose one food to have zero calories, what would it be?
OK... hanging in there with me?
Let's do the 2nd round of questions...
1. Road, trail, or mud?
I'd go with Trail... just because that means I'd probably be in trees & trees are the best.
2. What is your preferred distance?
I love a good 10K... long enough but short enough
3. What is your “dream” race?
Same as above... Disney Princess Half Marathon... I've gotta do it before I die... just gotta!
4. What fitness app do you use the most?
I use my My Fitness Pal more then anything... always good to depress myself & talk myself out of snacks I would otherwise eat.
5. What do you do for cross training?
Right now, I'm in the T25 for my cross training... but I have a good supply of awesome 80's work out videos that still rock you out pretty hard core.
6. What is your funniest running or race story?
I'll go with this past half marathon I ran... it was over & me & my hubs were walking back to the car. You had to cross the road where the race was happening. My poor husband is oblivious sometimes & walked right out in front of the marathoners & he didn't even noticed them. The runners were going all around him & he STILL didn't see them. I just stood on the side of the road laughing at him. I was afraid to tell him to watch out because I know him - he would have ran into every single one of them like a bowling ball in a bowling alley... I still laugh about it.
7. If you have one, who is your favorite running partner? If you don’t have one, what celebrity would you most like to join you on a run?
I don't have a running partner - so I'll go with a celebrity & it would be Drew Carey... I say that because I would imagine he would be entertaining on the way & I know he's a runner.
8. How many pairs of exercise-related shoes do you own?
Oh wow... off the top of my head, I know I have 6 boxes of running shoes on the inside of my closet - that's not counting what is stored over head...
I love my running shoes.
9. What is your favorite snack?
Healthy or not? My favorite healthy snack is a Clif Mojo Mountain Mix Bar... mmmm..
Not healthy? A York Peppermint Patty
10. What is one thing that you can do today that you never thought you would be able to accomplish?
I always said I'd never run. I tore my hamstrings in martial arts young & have knee problems ever since. So that I've done 6 half marathons & a few dozen other races blows my mind... completely.... even still....
So my turn to forward it on... & I think most of the running blogs I read have already received it... but I'll pass it on anyways so you can see the links of some of my favorites...
Corey at Fatherverse
Rennay at Vegetarian in the Ville
The Princesses at 2 Princesses on the Run
Maria from The Good Life Girl
The awesome sisters at Fairy Tales & Fitness
Anita at Running Against the Odds
Katie at From Ice Cream to Marathon
Rachel at Running Rachel
My wedding co-hort at Runaway Bridal Planner
& my questions for you to answer, if you haven't already done so.
If you have, just pick one & leave your answer in my comments :)
1. Your favorite piece of running equipment?
2. When did you start running & why?
3. Favorite athlete (can be in any sport)
4. Shorts, capris or running skirt?
5. Favorite brand of shoes?
6. Worse running injury?
7. What you wish you could go back & tell your younger running self?
8. What one food do you usually eat every day?
9. Favorite TV show you're watching right now?
10. Favorite Disney Character you relate to the most :)
Thanks again for sending me the award.
Its been really cool - I have been blogging for 7 years at my other blog (link is above) but starting the 'running/fitness' blog has been a new thing that I'm glad I've done - have met the coolest people that inspire me!