Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 3 of Les Mills Combat

Done with 3 weeks. 

That's gone by fast. 

1/3 of the way done

I always like getting out of week 2 of any Beachbody workout because it's typically the same workout as week 1... I'm not a fan of repetition.

I once quit a Jazzercise class that I had gone to for 18 years because they got a new instructor & she would do the SAME freakin' routine every day of every week for a month.  I just wanted to punch myself in the face.

So yeah, needless to say, routine doesn't work for me in working out.

Week 3 was a change... & added in 2 new different work outs.

One - a new 60 minute work out.  Yazzhhaaa!  60 minutes of punching & kicking. Whew. It's a workout.

Especially when your computer just decides to reboot in the middle of it & you cant find your spot, so you just start all over again... making it at 90 minute workout.


& the other new workout is a Plyo workout.

God, I hate jumping.
I also hate burpees.

But luckily this video is only 30 minutes & I've learned that 30 minutes goes by in a blink.

I'm still actually loving this workout & haven't missed one day of the plan.

Am I seeing these amazing results that I'm supposed to be seeing about now?


Thanks Cadbury Eggs.  It's all your fault.

But today's a new day... & we're heading into week 4. I have a new mind set going into it - I am still doing Bootycalls, even doing 10 minute workouts every morning for them... I'm ready to get the whole package deal together in my life.

I'm ready to kick a little butt!


  1. I just want to say WOW on going to jazzercise for 18 years. I don't think I've ever been committed to anything that

  2. Keep up the awesome work girl!!

  3. Does anyone really love burpees? They're horrible. I hate repetition too. It's way better to be surprised and then the workouts seem shorter

    1. if I met someone that DID like burpees, I may question our friendship or their sanity :)

  4. Darn those Cadbury Eggs, LOL
    But you're doing amazing 3 weeks down, keep it up and you'll see those results for sure!!!!
    (I hate Burpee's too!!!)

  5. you are amazing girl!! i am not a fan of the same workouts, i get bored so easily with videos like that and i feel like i'm watching the clock too much when i know whats coming!

  6. You are already kicking so much butt!! I love how you just did the whole video over when it stopped on you. That is some serious dedication!


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