Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday Five: Good Things


1. FlipBelt

I got my flip belt because my dang Samsung Galaxy S5 seems to be too big for any of my holders.  I got my belt in & my phone wouldn't go in.  I knew the culprit was because I have a big ole' protector case on it (I'm klutzy) & it has rubber around the edges causing the material to grip it, not letting my phone slide in.  Someone from FlipBelt reached out to me & told me to put it in a sandwich bag & try it - & low & behold, it worked!!! ... & when I did my last 10k, I went ahead & popped it out of the case & it slide in like nothing.  Now granted, I was too afraid to take it OUT of the flipbelt for fear I'd drop it & crack my screen.  That would be my luck.  But it is good to know my FlipBelt isn't useless now.

2. Nature Box Sourdough Cheddar Pretzels

Every month I think, I'm going to cancel my subscription for this box... & then these pretzels pull me right back in.  I need to look & see if they have cheddar pretzels in the store - they'd probably be a lot cheaper. Until then, I'll keep looking forward to them once a month.

3. The Wicked Will Rise

The next book in this Dorothy Must Die series came out this week. I gotta get to a book store ASAP!

4. 10 minutes earlier

Traffic has been a nightmare lately on the way home.  A 35 minute trip is now taking like 50 minutes.  In a car.  Stuck on a road.  Drive me nuts, why don't you?  But my manager has to go the same way - so the same traffic. She suggested (with a little subtle push, jedi mind trick way from me) that leaving 10 minutes earlier will help. Boy, does it!  We just catch the beginning of the traffic back up now & at least just slow down & not have to stop.  Cheers for getting home sooner!


I love all things Easter.  More importantly, our Savior rose from the dead.  He showed the world the truth of who He really was for any doubters.  I love it so much... love to celebrate it too!  GO JESUS!  High Five!

What's something GOOD in your life?


  1. I couldn't be trusted with a whole box of sourdough cheddar pretzels. They look divine. What a great tip about the sandwich bag! I want a flip belt. I bought one for my son and he loves his! I hope you have a fabulous Easter weekend.

  2. I will have to try that sandwich bag trick... genius! My new iphone 6 fits in good without the case, but I need the case! I have an Armpocket it fits in without the case too and don't want to order the new bigger armpocket, but I may need to.

  3. I've never heard of the Dorothy Must Die series but they look soo good! Definitely going to check those out.

  4. why is traffic so bad lately? this is louisville people! it takes me 45 - 50 minutes to get home and it used to take me 20-30. WTF.


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