Monday, April 27, 2015

Log Off - Shut Down - Go Run 10k

I hope everyone had great races this weekend... I know there were a lot going on.

Everyone breaking free of the cold & getting these road races under their belts.

While I missed the big race in town, I did get in the 10K sponsored by Gone for a Run.

I had been on my feet for 10 hours on Saturday for a wedding & my feet were killing me, but I didn't even let my mind think twice about doing the 6.2 miles.

Now, I knew my time would be affected - but as I've made it pretty clear this year, I could care less about time.  I just wanted to see the 6.20 on my Nike GPS watch & know I earned that medal.

 & earned it I did.

Luckily, it was a beautiful day, so it was a pleasure to get out in sunshine & inhale fresh air.  It was nice too because I saw some familiar faces & had some company for a few miles of the loop.

I actually started out pretty good keeping my intervals at 3 min walks/2 min runs for the first 4 miles. 

I wasn't sure I would even be able to do any running at first with the way my feet felt & plus, I wore tennis shoes that I don't typically run in. I use these shoes for my Les Mills Combat. I tried running in them when I first got them, but they caused blisters on the back of my feet. I'm not even sure why I put them on but noticed those were the shoes I had on once I got to the park.  Ooops. 

This was exactly how I felt when I looked at my shoes on my feet

I ended up getting a blister - but not in the back of my feet, but on the sole of my feet, the same place that I got them for the Ky Derby MiniMarathon.  What is happening with this spot on the bottom of my foot?  Anything over 5 miles & it pops up.

Needless to say, the last mile & a half was strictly walking... whatever... I was moving. I got my miles in.
I got my medal.
I EARNED my medal, I should say.

I just really enjoyed having the challenge ahead of me of doing this 10k the day after a wedding.  Made me see strength that I have deep in me - especially when others don't see it. I know I can do it.

Did you have any races this weekend?
How did you do?


  1. Yay! Glad you got the miles in for the race! Now go submit it for prizes! I was thinking of you this weekend and wondered if you had okay weather for the wedding!

  2. Good for you! You totally earned that medal

  3. Great job after being on your feet! What a very cool medal! The pic of you with the medal is very good! I have a blister problem right now too. I just can't get it healed.

    1. These blisters are a new thing for me & I already don't like them.

  4. congrats girly, you are awesome! i'm almost glad i didnt do the mini, the weather sucked!

  5. Congrats on the 10k, yes you did earn that medal!

  6. Congrats! Great pic of you with the medal!

  7. Congratulations!! The weather on Sunday was 150x better than Saturday too. :)

  8. Yay! So proud of you! I know we've talked about it before, but sometimes the roughest races are the ones we're most proud of :D

  9. Congrats! Ha on the shoes! Once I got down to my mom's house to drop off the kids and run and I noticed I had on two different shoes. Fail.
    I had to go back home and get another shoe. Luckily I only live three miles from my mom.


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