Monday, March 30, 2015

The first week down....


The first week is down for my Les Mills Combat.

& I'm so excited to get started in week 2.

I feel like my kicks are getting stronger, my punches better...

Though I do have to watch out with my shoulder on my right arm. I have to be really controlled on those punches.  It would be very VERY easy to pull that bicep tendon.  But I stay aware of it & even try to stretch it every time I finish a work out. 

I can't do any work out any more without hurting my shoulder.  I've talked about that before - EVERYTHING is push up, plank, holding your body weight.  Not good on an injured shoulder... so this work out, I'll keep on because at least I can sort of control the situation....

Watch, I'll be like that Skittles commercial - have one strong arm & the other, not so much....

I will say that the weather is prime for running & I do want to add in some miles this week as well.

I just feel the itch when the weather is nice.

The first week of the Les Mills is the exact same plan as the first week so I'm excited to see if I am able to just ease into it more this week....

I'm just ready to kick some butt....


  1. Good job! The weather here has been great for running lately but I told myself I wasn't going to run until April. Gotta take advantage of "resting" those injured legs!

  2. Love your attitude, you go kick some butt!!!!!!
    Can't beat a bit of running in beautiful weather! I am enjoying spring myself!


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