Monday, March 16, 2015

Just bad timing... all the time...

So my 10k I've been excited about all year is finally coming up this weekend....

Annnndddddddd..... of course I get a sinus infection this weekend.

Are you freaking kidding me?

I was supposed to do a 5 mile run & I was looking forward to it because I wanted the confidence that I'm going to be OK for the 6.2...

which I'm sure I will be.  Heck, the hubs & I did over 7 miles just getting to the 5k & back to the car last weekend.  But still.  I like to be prepared.

I'm talking a sinus infection that makes me feel like someone is holding a pillow over my head...

& makes my nose just like a constant drip faucet.  Lovely.

& let's add in the face pressure
& let's not forget the gums hurting from sinus pain
ON TOP of the already messed up tooth that may have me in an oral surgeons office.

ANDDDDDD... I didn't even mention this.... a few weeks ago, my knee POPPED - like full loud POP while I was walking in my office.  Coworkers even heard it.  My knee has been full fledged aching since then.

I just gotta get a break here soon.

& yeah... this whole running thing.  After this 10k - if I get better & am able to do it - I think this is going to be it for awhile.... I gotta just not stress about things.  I want to go back to my original resolution - just move.  & running may not be it for me, at least for awhile. 

I'm thinking I'm going to do one of my Beachbody series & on slower days, I may do a 1 mile walk or run, but no more races or building up miles.

I'm just needing life to be a little easier on me so I can feel good...

Dear Life.. I'm begging you

So we'll see what Saturday holds. 


  1. oh you poor thing, you can't catch a break!

  2. Yuck - it's bad enough to be sick but no fun at all when it's so glorious outside. I hope you get a chance to enjoy it and that the fresh air sweeps away those germs!

  3. You really have had a run of bad luck! I do hope you get over that sinus infection soon!
    Have you thought about (and maybe you already do) but eating a higher protein diet? A year ago when I wasn't healing up as I should be my Dr. told me I needed a much higher protein diet, it can really help things heal and then be stronger to avoid injury... Either way, I really hope you can find something that works for you!

  4. Ugh. I hope things get better for you soon!

  5. Hang in there. Things will get better. It doesn't help that we've had a gloomy winter. I have a feeling you will change your mind once summer comes. You'll want to get out there and run!


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