Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My body feels at home

Running has never come natural to me. 

Maybe because I just never ran my whole life. 

Running at the age of 37 for the first time, that's a little late in the game to make a body feel 'natural' about something.

But I do it... I try.

But I finished my 10k this past weekend & thought about what I'm going to do next.

I had ordered a new work out DVD set & had no idea what it even was. 
Make note of that Beachbody - when you send me an email with a good sale on a work out series, I'll probably buy it.  Just make sure its a GOOD deal. Y'all are pricey.

So into my home, I welcomed the Les Mills Combat

... & then I see its basically a martial arts work out.

Well hello there lover boy.

If you didn't know, I have been involved in martial arts my whole life.  Well, not really "whole life"... a kicking baby isn't really a martial arts baby.  But since I was in elementary school, at the age of 7, I have been kicking & punching & ready to take someone down.

& that comes natural to me.

All the punches & kicks.  My body knows how to do that.  Without even thinking.

Just call me Neo

So I put in the first work out & while it about made me ready to puke from the cardio of it, I was so happy to be doing back kicks & round houses & horse stances with punches.

I'm excited to see how the next few weeks go in this series.
Hoping I finish the 60 day challenge of it.

& who knows... maybe I'll be back to fighting form & I'll just have to pull my super hero cap out... & wear it over top of my Belle dress.

I will always be a Princess first & foremost.

Joining along with the awesome Kels


  1. Good luck with your 60 day challenge, you've got this!

  2. I don't think I knew you were so in to martial arts. I've never done anything like that. Good luck with the challenge.

  3. Fun! I on the other hand feel like a fish outta water with kickboxing things. eek!

  4. this is awesome. i love that you're into martial arts. we're the opposite! i even did some sort of martial arts as a kid, and didn't run until later in life, but i feel so awkward and out of place doing anything like that!

  5. Okay that sounds like a ton of fun!!! So cool that you are into martial arts. You and Betty would get along fabulously. :)


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