Wednesday, January 21, 2015

T25 about killed me....

Look at me getting back into a routine.

I used to get miles in on Monday, Thursday & a longer day on the weekend & cross train on Tuesday, & then Wednesday or Friday...

Well, I got the miles in on Monday - let's see what the cross training thing feels like.

So back to T25 I go. 

I figure I'll put my P90X3 off until I get through my races in March & then re-evaluate everything.

T25 Cardio.  I forgot what a witch you are ...

It felt like the longest 25 minutes of my life.

& I'm pretty sure I was thisclose to passing out by the end of it.

I may or may not have looked like this at the end of 25 minutes

But it felt good to work muscles that haven't been worked ... in a LONNGGGG time.

So I'm slowly working my way back to what my life used to look like.

Even remembering what it was like to moan & groan from sore muscles the next day.

That's a good thing by the way.


Side note - send me some good vibes. I go tomorrow to find out about my liver/pancreas/kidney scan for my side pain.  I always turn into a big ball of nerves at anything that is medically related so I could use some well wishes for good news & prayers of calm nerves.  Thanks!!!

Yeah... this is me...everytime


  1. I have always wanted to try P90X! I've never heard of T25, but from that picture I'm scared, ha ha! Good luck at your appointment today.

  2. I am two weeks into P90X3 and I think I had myself so psyched out for it being really hard but I am really enjoying it. Great job this week and I hope tomorrow goes well for you and you get some answers.

  3. T25 is some seriously tough stuff!

    Sending up prayers and good vibes!

  4. I can't even imagine how tough those workouts are. Great job getting through it! Good luck at your appointment!

  5. Kudos to you for doing those T25 and that P90x stuff. I could never do those. Prayers to you that everything turns out okay for your scan. Please keep us updated.

  6. Kudos to you for doing those T25 and that P90x stuff. I could never do those. Prayers to you that everything turns out okay for your scan. Please keep us updated.

  7. OMG! I don't even go in for yearly checkups because I'm terrified that by looking for something, they'll find something! I totally understand how nervous you must be, especially once they start suggesting things and you get to googling. Praying that everything turns out well for you!

  8. I have heard of this T25 and I do not dare try it because it sounds like it would kill me. You win. :)
    Sending lots of good vibes for a healthy appointment tomorrow!! I hope all goes well! I'm the same way when it come to any kind of doctor visit.

  9. I've always wanted to do T25, it looks like a great workout! Don't ya love sore muscles!! (Love/hate)
    Sp proud of you for getting back to it and for running a 5k! I'll be praying for you and the results.

  10. I hope I'm not too late on the good vibes!! Just in case I'll send you extra love. Good luck my friend!!


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