Friday, January 16, 2015

2 days in a row...

I know people have huge goals & accomplish so much when it comes to running & fitness & health...

I'm just proud of the past 2 days...

I've hit over 10,000 for 2 days... in a row...

That may not seem like a lot to most people.

I told my husband who just told me that his step count almost made 24,000 steps... but it was a slow day for him.

Shut up show off...

(he honestly walks anywhere from 15-20 miles a DAY)

But I keep record of everything when it involved miles & working out, & I mark down all my step counts & the last time I hit 10,000.... it was November 17th

Oh my Lord, that's embarrassing.

Now, I've gotten close since then, some 8,000 or 9,000 days, but no 10,000...

& I did it... 2 days in a row...

 I feel like its a good turn of events...

I feel the fire burning again. 

Let's go for 3 today....


  1. you go girl! that is a big deal :)

  2. I think that is an incredible victory and the best starting point in the world. YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!
    Good gravy I run a fair amount and I only very rarely have that many steps in a day. Show offy, husband. :)

  3. Yay! That's a step (ha ha…) in the right direction :)

  4. It all starts with a couple steps! No goal is ever a small one. Good job!

  5. Awesome! I can walk to work, but I drive my car because I'm usually schlepping a bookbag full of stuff. I need to take some inspiration from you and get my feet moving!

  6. Be proud, 10,000 steps isn't exactly easy that's a bit over 5 miles! The fact is, your moving and trying and that is awesome and you should just forget any thoughts of embarresment, because there is no reason. Stand proud girl, and own that 10k, you deserve it, especially with all the injuries you have had this past year!!!!


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