Monday, January 26, 2015

Not a weekend for working out....

I keep seeing that a lot of you were having trouble working out this weekend due to weather & snow...

speaking of which, all of you up north... my heart cries for you. 2 feet of snow?  I think I'd dig a hole under a dozen blankets & not come out for a week....

Anyways - it wasn't nothing to do with weather on my end why I didn't work out...

It was because of a good reason...GRAND DUDES!!!!!

I hate the word "Grandchildren"... that makes me sound really old.
Their not "Grandbabies"... well, one is... the other two aren't.
They are all boys - so Grand-dudes it is... Or G-dudes...
Even G-babes works for me.  They are little babes. 

They traveled up from Nashville on Saturday morning & I probably COULD have found time to work out before they came up but I did something more productive ... made cookies.  I mean, you gotta have sweets sitting on your kitchen counter when grandbabies come in.

For the record, some of you all ask how I have grand-dudes....
Families are all sorts of mixtures anymore...
Well, my husband has 3 daughters... the oldest is only 10 years younger then me (my husband is 10 years older then me)... so while I'm 43, she's 33 - with 3 children... she made me a grandmother at the age of 36...

Being a 'young' grandmother, that's why I went with the name Nanny ...

That was before the name Glam-ma came out... that would have been pretty nice...

Ricky refused to let me take the name Princess. #partypooper

So, it was a weekend of chasing boys, picking up after them, LOTS of eating junk...

But I allow myself a Grand-dude pass...

it doesn't happen enough.

Back to the grind today....


  1. you should have been G-Belle, or Grandma Belle ;)

  2. You are so blessed to be part of a large family and have many P.S - just finished shoveling snow but apparently it's nothing compared to what they are getting up North! -M

  3. This cracked me up! Love the term grand-dudes, so cute! And I don't care if you're a 43-year-old or 83-year-old grandma, you gotta have cookies ready! Sounds like a perfect way to spend time to me :)

  4. I think that is a great reason to not work out! My sister just had a baby and instead of being called Grandpa my dad jokingly said he wanted to be called bro-daddy. Little did he know I'm going to make that name stick :)

  5. Grand Dudes, I love it!!!!
    Oh ya I would put cute kiddos over workouts anytime!!!!

  6. So cute! I like different names like that! My mother prefers to be called Mimi ;-)


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