I used to do Ups & Downs for the weekend...
but I'm getting ALL crazy up in here & going to look at my past week

UP // I got in a workout so far every night of the week. That hasn't happened since... well, last year.
UP // The hubs went to bed early a few nights with a cold so I didn't have to worry about making big dinners so I had soup a few nights during the week. I forgot how filling soup can be.
DOWN //... I also forgot how many crackers I use in soup. #carbfest
UP // I did yoga this week
DOWN// I did yoga this week

DOWN // Mother Nature has punched me in the gut with cramps this week. I was up last night sicker then a dog with them. The older I get, the more severe they are getting to me. I guess they are giving me some good last hurrah's before they leave me forever #menopausearoundthecorner

UP // I'm excited to hopefully connect my beautiful friend Katie from From Ice Cream to marathon with my step daughter that lives in Nashville so she can have a running buddy. They can talk all things running & UK.
UP // Finally broke in my new shoes I got in October....
DOWN //... only to get a blister on the back of my foot. This isn't unusual for me by the way. I always have issues. That shouldn't surprise ANYONE.
DOWN // Graham crackers. I need to throw them away. I want to eat them for a late night TV munchies. I bought them when the grand-dudes came up this past weekend. They ate zero. Nanny - a whole sleeve of them.
UP // I think my heart rate rose the entire hour of Scandal. I'll totally count that as a cardio workout!
How was your week?
Got any weekend plans?