// I confess I want short work weeks every week. Is that too much to ask for?
// I confess I have been wanting to eat anything & everything in front of me... & more #pms
// I confess I'm also feeling like a balloon ready to burst. Hello bloating. #pmsbites

// I confess I enjoy being on my scale/weigh in protest while I feel super bloated.
// I confess the T25 Beta has pretty much kicked my butt as I started this new round - but really loved doing
new workouts & excited about the challenge of getting stronger in these moves.
// I confess I got my library clean & straightened up.... its been a mess since Christmas where I dump all the gifts that need to be wrapped & wrapping paper & ribbons & bows. So I'm a little late in getting to cleaning it up. Better late then never.
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Amen... amen... amen.... |
// I confess ever since I wore a chunky necklace out the other day, I just want more & more chunky necklaces. I'm looking everywhere I go for them.
// I confess I spent $24.00 on one chunky necklace. I never spend that much on jewelry that isn't real metal or a gem.

// I confess I need to find a way to store all my new necklaces since they aren't ones I'll be wearing every day. They're too big for my jewelry box. Gotta get creative here.
// I confess I need to just wear my medals as the best chunky necklaces ever :)
// I confess I got Robin Roberts new book & am loving it.
// I confess I want Paul Stanley's new book.... yes, we're KISS fans
// I confess I love a good autobiography

// I confess I didn't realize how many quotes I love were actually from Maya Angelou.
// I confess I think great minds in the world are getting few & far between.

// I confess I believe that prayers are a big reason why our Sydney is still fighting good & hard with her cancer battle. We're at 4 months & they said she wouldn't make it past 3... prayer matters
// I confess I'm teaching the youth kids on Sunday & using rock climbing as an example of God's faithfulness... youth ministry is the best!
// I confess I want to see Malificent & not sure the hubs wants to see it as bad as I do. I may need to convince him to go see that stupid Tom Cruise movie while I slide into another theater.
// I confess I don't care for Tom Cruise.... #weirdo .... but I do like a lot of his movies. A Few Good Men is one of my favorites.

Anything you need to confess today?
Happy Friday everyone!