I will do a confession time, which I think should probably be a weekly post ... the areas I messed up in, the things to keep me in check... because goodness knows I'm not perfect. I don't even want to make it even TRY to appear I'm perfect or I have it all together. I'm just struggling through like most everyone else... I think most people struggle with the issues of health & fitness... I'm the queen of it.
Anywhoo... the holidays have really got to me. I didn't do well AT ALL with the eating thing (still no meat, of course) but sugar? Another story... A WHOLE other story.
My working out? Non-existent.
Some fitness/health/nutrition blog I am, huh?
Again - I'm human...
I'm going into 2014 at the heaviest I have EVER been.. in my life...
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yep... this is me... |
that is so embarrassing to admit.
I look back at pictures of races from just a year ago & I can't believe how easily the weight piled up on me.
It just showed me how seriously I need to take my body, my health... my life...
the priorities I need to set...
So what am I looking forward to in 2014? What are some fitness resolutions?
* More water... yes, its all I drink now, including some tea, but I drink more Sparkling Seltzer water - I need to drink more just PLAIN water... the enamel on my teeth will probably thank me (I heard too much seltzer water is tough on your teeth)
* I did it... I dropped a few hundred bucks to get the new T25 program... 25 minutes at least 5 times a week .. I can do that - right? "I'm GOING to do that" is the answer :)

* Caring for my body... pushing it, but not harming it. I've really done some damage with my back. My knees are horrid right now... but I also know my weight is causing some of this. My point? I'm going to be careful of my body... be aware... take care of it. It's gotta get me through a lot.
* I will continue to run... but I'm taking the pressure off of myself that I normally put on my brain, my body. I have registered for a half marathon & need to start training for it, but also know that I have to get to a place in my body where I can safely train. I'm telling you - my body is THAT out of shape now... if I don't make the half marathon, I'm OK with that... I'm telling you, I'm getting priorities in check this 2014!
* At least 4 Fruits or veggies in a day... a must! I'd like to do 4 of Each - 4 fruits, 4 veggies - that would be ideal...
Which leads me to my next one
* Follow the Happy herbivore food plan 5 days out of the week... that should ensure the above resolution. A vegan diet plan is full of veggies & fruit.
* Take regular Probiotics & Fiber... the gut, I believe, is a serious source of where illness comes from. Want to be in charge of it as much as I can....
* Staying POSITIVE. I'm really bad at getting down on myself... focusing on the bad things that's happening - pain, weight gain. I suffer from depression so the smallest thing gets me down & will hold me there. I'm really going to try to focus on positive things... keep positive statements all around me - reminders that tomorrow is another day.
* This one will be tough... cut back on the Self Hate Talk. I've gotten in such a bad place of calling myself "Disgusting"... that's also embarrassing... but I do it naturally now. I look in a mirror & that's the word I use... not good... not good at all.... so I'm going to stop it. This is probably one of the biggest things I need to do. Remember that I listen to my words in my heart & they can hurt....
My word for the year is RENEW (you can click the link above to my home blog & read more about that)
That word fits even more in my fitness world...
I'm ready for 2014... how about you?

Any fitness resolutions you have?
Any I should have?
What are you goals for 2014?