Monday, November 11, 2013


I was sitting watching my dog yesterday...

Now we have 4 dogs... 3 of them are pretty old.  9,10 & one turning 13.  Each has aches & pains.  One was found with a broken leg & it grew back weird shaped.  The dog I was looking at is overweight.  I mean OVER-WEIGHT!  Like he's as round as he is long.  A weeble-wobble is a good example of how he moves.

Oh, how I love this chubby boy....

And I try to watch his weight... I walk him as much as I can - which isn't far.  He literally will walk a few steps & then lay down & refuse to walk anymore.  I get it.

His weight goes up & down so easily too.  He'll loose weight & look like he's slimming down, only to have him balloon right back up in 2 weeks...

just like his momma...

I was watching him though & he was looking at the water bowl.  We have one of those tall ones that keeps the bigger dogs from having to lean over.

Bruno can't reach it...

We used to have another one on the floor just for him, but I took that bowl outside for when we lock up the puppy... yes, puppies need to get confined when we're not home, or we'd have no socks, underwear, & holes in the rugs & chair legs...

Bruno just sat & looked at the water bowl...I could see that he was like "I can't make it"

He used to be able to put his front legs on the outer rim of the stand & drink that way.  If he REALLY tried, he could stretch his neck & get a drink... if the water was full...

No... he just sat & looked sad...

I went & got a new bowl to put on the floor just for him & felt so bad for him...

& then I felt like I knew exactly how he felt.

I look at all these 'fit people' & their blogs & their pictures & stories of their easy 20 miles they ran that day... & I feel like Bruno just sitting there staring, like I'll never be able to reach that...

Some days, its just a struggle to put forth the effort...

Gotta do it though... I don't want to die of thirst...

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