.... OK - so my title just totally reminded me of the movie Poltergist.
I blame ABC Family for playing it during Halloween & bringing back flashbacks of a childhood of the 80s when the movie really freaked me out - but now I see how corny the special effects were.
But that little lady's voice still does kinda chill me to the bone...
What am I talking about?
I got side tracked!
Today is my day & I'm talking about Poltergist?
I love so much where Kristy from
Runaway Bridal Planner set up a Grow Your Blog bloghop... I love finding new blogs & getting to know people so I'm thrilled to be a part of it.
& today is my designated day where you get to meet me & learn a little about me....
If you've been here awhile, this is all probably old news to you - or you may find out something new about me... & for those who are visiting for the first time? Yep, all are welcome! (I couldn't resist doing it again... DANG YOU HALLOWEEN MOVIE-THON)
So far, I guess you can tell, I'm windy & could talk for days.
& kinda get side tracked & walk to a beat of my own drum
But just take it all as a lover of life....
On the serious side, this here blog is just basically my journey on health & fitness.
Fun facts about me in the fastest method possible....
*This is what I look like - not really Jennifer Aniston |
* I swore I'd never run
* ... until I did my first race at 37 years old
* My first race was a half marathon
* I nearly died (wish I were joking)
* I crossed the finish line & swore I'd do it right the next year
* I beat my time by nearly an hour the next year
* I love running now!
That was quick & fun, right?
But I love all things fitness.
I just love the idea of taking care of myself the best way possible. Which means so many things - exercise, nutrition, mentally in the game... it all counts.
Let's do another fun fact rundown....
* I gave up Diet Cokes after being a total addict
* I also gave up meat 5 years ago & could never at anything that breaths air again
* I have recently lost 30 lbs using 21 Day Fix plan
* I am just half way where I want to be in my weight loss
* I am a Beauty & the Beast freak & am convinced we are one in the same & I'll convince everyone that its true someday
* I also love ALL things Disney #nevergrowup
* I usually do posts labeled {DL} that just stands for "Daily Life" & just like to keep a health journal here
* I am a wife & have stepdaughters & 3 grandsons
* I hate medicine & will do anything as natural as I can
* I have so many injuries & issues with my body, its crazy - but I keep
* Yes, my dogs are like my children to me
* Most importantly - I love Jesus & am so thankful for His mercy & grace - its the most important thing to me in my life.
* The name of my blog is from my life verse in the Bible - Phil 3:13-14
... did I mention that I could talk for days?
I wont let this post go on for days - I promise...
But I just wanted to give you a quick look at who I am... just an ordinary gal... someone who has good days & bad days... your new blog buddy!
Be sure to stop back by & see where life has taken me for my Daily Life - I'll try not to be so awkward & windy
... & I'll be sure to join in on your life adventures.