Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Five

So this week's theme is just random...

a free for all... let me make up my own Friday Five topic...

... let's go with

What I'm looking forward to this weekend...

1. Celebrating Father's Day

My dad is pretty awesome.  So I'm glad we get a day to hang out, relax & celebrate him.  He gets lots of celebration in the next few weeks.  Father's Day - then its his & my mom's 50th wedding anniversary & then its his 70th birthday - all within the next 4 weeks.  Live it up dad!!!

2. Dancing in my basement

Emma Stone Dancing

Yep - its official. I'm addicted to dancing in front of my Xbox Kinect.  I feel like I'm ready to head out to a club & break out some of my moves.

3. Go to Target

A weekend isn't complete without a stop to Target.  Sorry.  It's just not.

4.  Sleeping in

This is probably just a fantasy of what I'm looking forward to because it rarely happens. Not when you have 4 dogs who are used to a schedule of getting a dog treat at 5:30 am... they want their schedule to stay the same.  Screw Saturdays.  It's all about the treats.  I try to have a talk with them every Friday night. "Look, we're going to sleep in.  Understand?" ... & I get a tilt of the head like they get it... but their stomach must take over at 5:30 & MUST.GET.TREATS!!!!  Here's to trying.

5. Basking in Spring

We are getting a break from the early summer & having SPRING temps this weekend.  I'm so excited about that.  Bummed that I have no photo sessions when its nice out, but that means I'm going to try & get out in it myself.  My legs actually need to get in it.  The glare for the paleness is a little sad.

What are you looking forward to this weekend?


  1. Sounds like an awesome weekend to me! I am looking forward to seeing How to Train Your Dragon 2 and going to The Cheesecake Factory with the hubs for our date on Saturday!

    1. sounds like a great weekend ahead for you too!

  2. Have a great weekend! I'm currently spending time at a resort with my husband so I am looking forward to all there is to do here!

  3. Your dad has a lot to celebrate in these upcoming weeks! Oh and Target... every single weekend :)

    1. My weekend doesn't feel complete without a Target stop :)

  4. I could use a little sleeping in myself I'm hoping for Sunday. I hope to spend some quality time at the pool this weekend too. Have a great day! #Friday Five

  5. Have a very awesome weekend, because it sounds like it will be! Dancing when no one around is my favorite thing to do alone, LOL second is belting it to my favorite tunes in the car. Yup, and I don't care that people know I do it. LOL

  6. We have 5 more days of school. I can't wait until it's over because we are all sleeping in for a week. I'm so ready LOL.

  7. I'm looking forward to some quiet time, and reading a good book!


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