One of my favorite races... the Big Hit...
I love it because its a 1/2 marathon as well as a 1/4 marathon. 6.55 miles. More my speed lately.
I have done this race since it started in 2010 & was excited for the 3rd year...
though I didn't think I would be doing it.
I registered months ago & then we thought we would be going out of town for vacation. Ends up, the night before the race, plans fell through & I thought, OK, I'll do the race. I was going into this race not fully prepared... & already injured... my low back & my runners knee has been giving me fits... but I was determined to get the medal no matter if I had to crawl.
So our first day of vacation & we wake up at 5:30... & its COLD!!!! Frost everywhere kind of cold. Ricky was like, "Really?... we're doing this?" ....
Oh sir... you don't know me... I'll go out in the cold for an awesome medal...
We trudge out... in the cold.. & get there just about 5 minutes before the kick off. That was nice we didn't have to stay out there long.
Yep.... its early & cold... & Ricky is expressing exactly how he feels |
It didn't seem like a big turn out this year. I think because this fall, around the area, there are a TON of new races. There was a marathon last week, another half marathon in the area in 2 weeks, a 10k the weekend before... its just race central around here.
Lots of cold runners trying to get warmth in crowds |
We were off... we were going to do the 1/4 marathon...
It was a beautiful morning actually. Its always fun to see the sun rise when running.
It only took a few steps for my back to be aggravated. I knew it was going to be trouble. But I felt good & strong... & even made the comment "My knee is feeling good"
It was literally like 25 steps after I said that & POP!!! I mean POPPPPP!!!!!! .... there went my knee...
& we were just at mile 2
Are you kidding me?
I knew the idea of trying to get a time comparable to my last 2 races was now out...
I would take a step every now & then & actually have an instinct reaction to scream...
it was that bad.
Ricky wanted to go get the car & get me. Telling me its not worth it to make my body worse. My thought was, my knee & back are going to hurt if I sit at home or do 4 more miles... so let's keep going. I made the choice though not to push myself. No speed racing, lots of walking, don't over extend the knee...
& guess what? We had so much fun.
I looked at Ricky & told him to stop talking about my pain... let's talk about fun stuff... & we did... we made a game out of chasing people around us, just talking...
I laughed most of the last 3 miles...
We had seen the lady that bought our Harvey to us from the rescue... she was pacing the half marathon group. We also saw a running friend who I did her engagement pictures walking down the road. I love hearing my name shouted from the side & that's exactly what happened... always puts a pep in my step...
So when we got to the end, it was a relief, but proud that I made it... however I had to do it. My time was 9 minutes slower then last year... 9 minutes!! I know most runners, they would punch themselves in their faces for that amount of time lost. Me? I have finally gotten to the place where I'm like, "Whatever"... I still finished.
The end of this race is always the coolest. The finish line is over Home Plate in Louisville Slugger Field... the coolest end of ANY race...
Are you kidding me with that medal? |
We got the medal & I was like, "WHAT THE HECK?"...
this place is known for amazing medals... ones that spin, ribbons with dates & look like baseball bats.. this medal was like a cheap one with a sticker on it... I was so bummed...
Come to find out, the medals hadn't come in time so the "REAL" ones will be mailed to us this week with our times engraved on the back. Shame its a horrible time.. but it wont tell of the fun we had...
So I did it.. another race.. .injured...
I'm thinking of a new game plan now... I'll talk about that later...
Just glad to know I have another medal to add to the wall...
We ended up warming up at Panera with a bowl of steel cut oats & sparkling water for me, fruit tea for Ricky. Panera is becoming our post-race tradition. Not a bad tradition at all.
So I may be slow, I may be in pain, but I still get out at 5:30 & TRY....
I'll give myself props for that...