Friday, January 31, 2014

1,000 Burpees... seriously???

I love looking around the fitness blogs.  Amazing women who run, train, watch their nutrition, take care of themselves...

& I've been noticing something going around lately.

A challenge!


Now I love a challenge. 

Let me clarify that.  I'm HORRIBLE in completing a challenge, but I like to at least attempt them.  I love things that are goal oriented.  I think most runners like that.  That's what the FINISH line is all about.

But the challenge going around in February - 1,000 Burpees by the end of February



I hate Burpees.

Why?  Because they're hard.

I figured out the math too - its like 36 a day.  Oh my... my arms & back & legs are already groaning...

But a challenge isn't supposed to be easy - right?

& maybe I can break those 36 up ... a few in the morning - a few in the afternoon (Who doesn't love to do something embarrassing in the office?) - & a few more at night. 

I may take a stab at it.

& believe me, no one will be more surprised then me if I make the full 1,000

But hey, if I get in 500 (500? My head just swirled...) I'd be THRILLED...
I'll go for 1,000 but I'm not going to beat myself up.

Let's see how it goes.

Anyone else doing this?  Or are all of you sane?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

My new best friend.... what shall I call her?

So I'm not sure the T25 is the way to go with my half marathon training.

I just don't think I'm getting the most out of the program when most of my days are spent on the treadmill.  I mean, the first 2 weeks & I hadn't gotten through the first 4 videos & you're supposed to do like 6 a week? 

Don't get me wrong.. I'm still cross training.  But I think I'm going to hold off on the T25 until I get through the race & then when I'm in that stage of "What do I do now?" the day post-race (which I do every time) - I already have my answer...

So this week, I have been doing other workouts for my cross training days (Tuesday & Wednesday).

Yesterday, I thought I would try something different - something more gentle because working out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - my runs on Thursdays have felt like I'm trudging through 6 feet of mud...

So I did yoga yesterday.

now I'm not a huge fan of yoga.  Maybe because I'm not flexible? 

I used to be.  I used to be able to kick my leg over my head without even thinking of it.  Now, I'm good to get my leg over my waist without grabbing my hamstrings.

Side note - I totally jacked up my hamstrings when I was younger & in martial arts starting me down the road to knee problems...

But this past weekend, we were out at Big Lots & came across a clearance bin.  They had all sorts of yoga stuff an extra 50% off.  I went ahead & got a new mat, because let's face it, with a puppy in the house, its any minute that my exercise mat is going to be chewed into oblivion. Then I found something I've been wanting to get for awhile but didn't want to spend the money...

a yoga block...

It was on clearance for $4.00 - I spent $4.00 on Starbucks & drink it in 5 minutes. I can buy this.

Let me tell you - it made a WORLD of difference in my yoga last night.  I stretched but didn't feel off balanced because my hand wouldn't reach the ground.  I felt stronger in my stances letting me get deeper into them... it was amazing what a little piece of square foam can do.

Its now my friend & I have to now name her...

Let's just hope my puppy also doesn't love my new friend....

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Someday... Run Disney

Last weekend was the Run Disney Tinkerbell Half Marathon in Disney Land...

So the past few days have been all kinds of recaps floating around.

I think I have posted the same comment on all of them... "I'm so jealous"

I am truly 100% jealous ... but love reading everyone's experience.

This is how I feel about Disney Races

From the insane wake up times you have to head to the corrals - how crowded it is - the fun character pictures - the way it makes me want to go to Car Land in Disney Land & see Route 66 ... & honestly, THOSE MEDALS...

come on... that's in the top 3 reasons to ever do a Run Disney race is just for those medals.

I honestly got a tad choked up because running a Disney race is on my bucket list of things to do in life...

& I'm getting older every year... & every year, I'm falling apart more...

& today was the first day I thought, I'll probably never do it... & yeah, that's when I got choked up.

Gotta snap out of it... hang onto those dreams - right?

Thanks Cinderella for the reminder

Until then, I'll live through everyone else's awesome memories of their race...

& prepare myself for February when my Ultimate dream race happens - the Disney Princess Half Marathon...& get my jealousy in check for those recaps.

Someday my prince race will come...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Beyonce made me stronger...

I was nervous...

Back to the treadmill I go because hey, the book that tells me what to do in training says its time to move it again on a Monday.

But I was still nervous.

See - I'm one of those people that once something bad happens, I remember the bad & cling to it & expect it to happen every time.

Last time I was on that treadmill was Saturday & that's when my stomach did 2,013 flips & made me feel funny....

So I was expecting another bad go at it... especially because I wasn't feeling 100% anyways.  I felt kinda 'off' at work during the day, but did feel better as the day went on.

But I'll try it ... at least until I felt that first twinge of a cramp & I was going to be off quick with those cold wash rags ready.

Got on the treadmill - turned on the TV that is directly in front of me.  Anything for distraction.

It worked out well because it was time for Entertainment Tonight & all the talk was on the Grammy's.  The fashion do's & don't... which by the way, what WAS the deal with Pharrell's Smokey the Bear hat?

But all the other talk was about Beyoncé & Jay-Z .. the super-uber-power couple.  They kept talking about how they both came off of a vegan 21 day fast & how good she looked...

Good didn't even get close to it... between the thigh gap in the black outfit

to the 'show every part you have' white gown, she looked amazing...

That body is ridiculous.

I guess she was my motivation because before I knew it, my miles were over... & I didn't even feel any pain.

I need to envision me having to wear a dress like that one day... which is quite funny to think about.  First of all, I couldn't squeeze my right thigh in it... Second, I guess I'd wear it to Target.  Where else do I go?  But it was motivation that worked for me on this work out.

Monday, January 27, 2014

I totally blame myself...

Yep... I knew it would happen...

as soon as I hit the word "Publish"

I read on someone's blog the other day about how she got sick right before a big race.  I commented, "I never have gotten sick before a race" & then knocked on wood.

I even said it with confidence like this

I then read another runner's blog that talked about the lovely stomach cramps during a run & how she barely made it to the bathroom.  I made a comment about how I have had stomach cramps, but they wear off & I'm fine afterwards

No... never had to run for my life with stomach cramps

... I may have forgotten to knock on wood that time.

So I'm on my treadmill - because its still like Ice Age outside my doors - & my long run only called for 3 miles (love the beginning of training season) & feeling good.  Watching a recap they played again about the Bachelor couples.  Ryan & Trista still make me believe fairy tales can come true...

Then all of a sudden, my stomach started cramping...

It'll pass.. it always does.

I had just had hummus & wheat crackers about 30 minutes before so I just explained that away & knew I'd be my old slow self any minute...

except I wasn't... I was slower.. & in PAIN

I hopped off of the treadmill & took some deep breaths... it wore off so I jumped back on.... for only about 5 minutes.

I got hot, dizzy, sweaty - but not the work out kind of sweat - the cold, something is wrong & you're getting ready to die sweat.  Then I felt nauseated & felt like I was going to loose that hummus all over my new Saucony shoes.

Kinda how I looked... except I didn't wear a dress on the treadmill

I have never ran that fast in my life jumping off the treadmill & running upstairs to get to the bathroom where I got 3 different cold wash rags & threw on my face, my neck & my wrists.

I still haven't felt right since then.

I refuse to think its some sort of flu that's getting to me...

& with that statement.. I probably just jinxed myself once again.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Despises himself...

I was at a Church Leader conference a few weeks ago & of course, was in the Bible...

A verse came out at me...

It was an unusual one because as someone who struggles with weight & food issues, it just hit me in that direction.  Probably not the direction it was originally intended... but it still hit me in the gut..

Eating & taking care of yourself is really a lot about discipline to me.

Making the time
Making the choices

& the words "despises himself"... harsh words... but really, I have sat & cried, yes, literally cried because of the way I feel when I haven't been disciplined. 

Because of the way my clothes feel... because of the number on the scale.. because of how I feel in my body ... all because a lack of discipline...

So not sure about you, but the Bible is really forcing me to look at my discipline...

& not ignore it...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Just give me plain simple crunches... ok?

Onto the next video last night in the T25.

This time around?  The Ab Interval Workout.

I am in desperate need of a good gut workout.  I mean, REALLY need it.

Not like some girl I had in my Instagram pictures today. 

Her stomach had at LEAST a 6 pack & she was sitting down & there was like a tiny itty bitty wrinkle in her stomach & she had written, "My stomach is like a wavy sloppy mess"


If her 6 pack belly is a wavy mess... mine must be an ocean of disgust...

Anyways... back to the workout.... that I desperately need.

I don't know what the deal is with Ab work outs anymore, but crunches are something you just don't see anymore.

All the abs workouts are about standing & lifting your knees about the waist... & doing planks & stepping the legs up to the side... or side planks.

Don't get me wrong.  They make my abs shake... but I don't feel the ache the next day.

you know the kind - where you forget you worked your abs & then you laugh & it feels like someone dropped a 50 lbs weight on your gut.

I just feel these new trendy ab exercises more in my arms & shoulders from the planks... or my hip flexors & my quads.

That probably all means that my stomach is so weak that it can't even DO the exercises & the rest of my body takes over...

I wont comment if I can do this same thing or not...

Is it just me?

Let me go old school

I'll even wear leg warmers doing it...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

my 5th time...oh wait...nevermind

WHAS Crusade for Children

Around these part, starting in February, the Triple Crown of Running is what its all about.  It kicks off with the Anthem 5k, then moves onto the Rodes City Run 10k which happens 2 weeks later... & then another 2 weeks, its the big race.  The Papa John's 10 Miler.  That one goes down into the hills of Iroquois Park & ends with you running in Papa John's Stadium & your face on the Jumbotron.

That race actually made it into Runners World magazine as one of the top 10 mile races.

All these lead up to the big BIG race of the area. The Kentucky Derby Marathon or miniMarathon...

I just started running in 2009.  The 13.1 mile race was my first one. I totally skipped the Triple Crown ... didn't even know it existed.  I was new to this whole world.

But the next year, I was all informed & have been doing it ever since.

So I was excited to register for my 5th year...

until TODAY...

I found out the course was changed on the 5k & the 10k

OK... the 10k, I'm actually happy about.  The finish line is at the same spot, where its usually not... & I've totally hated that about that race. Progress.

Where the opposite of progress happens is with the 5k.  The race usually happens downtown.  Now, I live about a half hour away from downtown... in a different state actually.

To do a race where about 8,000 people run, it takes extra time to get in the area, find a parking spot, get to the race & THEN even get prepared with stretching & working the nerves out...

A race starting at 8 am, I would have to leave my house no later then 6:30...

& then today, they announced the route had changed & I thought, maybe this one changed for the better too.

Nope... this one isn't even in Downtown anymore. 

its moved even further away to the east end of town... Seriously???

I googled the directions & it said it would take me 60 minutes to get there.  Are you kidding me?

I can't even think about the long drive

I could be a trooper & add in another half hour & leave no later then 6... but really?

I guess I'm not that dedicated.

I don't want to drive that far & wait that long for a 5k. 

If it was half marathon, I would do it.  But a 5k?  It would take longer for me to get there then the actual race would take... not to mention coming back home.

I'm a Debbie downer today apparently.

I went onto Twitter & complained... as every American does when they're upset.
Then onto Facebook & complained some more on their page.

They got in touch with me & offered a refund for the race.

GOOD - you should.  Waiting till 1 month before the race & announcing route changes?

But now I'm bummed.  I hate ruining running streaks in a race.  Missing that shirt.  I'll have all the other years... but not 2014 now...

I'm REALLY a Debbie downer today if a missing t-shirt bothers me....

How far have you traveled for a 5K?

Do you hate missing a race when you've done it years in a row?

Anyone else letting the cold put them in "Debbie downer" mode?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Training... starting it off in pain

My back was SCREAMING at me this weekend...

I mean, the kind of pain that just grates on your nerves.

But I was determined to still work out.  Luckily my "long run" in the first week was only 2 miles.  Ricky still yelled at me about it.  "Your back must not hurt THAT bad"...

oh yes... it does...

BUT, it hurts sitting down... it hurts standing up... it hurts laying down.

Ricky yelling about me running, I know is out of love
so I guess love = pain as well
Right? :)

So I figure why not at least be productive about it?

& I knew it was only 2 miles.  If it was a long run of 5 or 10 miles.. then yeah, I'd rethink the situation.

2 miles?  I walk 2 miles to the end of the driveway & back...

so got it done...

I will admit.  I'm a little worried that the first week, my back is already screaming.

My hope though is that weight will shed & that will help my back.
But I really am prepared that if the back pain is too extreme, I'm stopping the running for awhile.  I'll focus on other healthy activities.  I'll do the whole T25 program, I'll walk, I'll continue trying to better myself... & then try to start running again in a few months.

Right now though?  I'm sticking it out.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

2nd day of T25 & Tonya is already my best friend

I wasn't sure if I was going to use a rest day on Wednesday.  My plan - or my running plan - I should say, has me with 2 rest days - one on Wednesday - the other on Sunday.  I am debating only keeping Sunday... but we'll see how I feel on my run tonight to see if I keep that going.  I can see why I could use a rest day. 

I may actually use it on Friday & Sunday.  That way I'm recouping from 4 full days of working out & then should be fresh for my long runs on Saturday... then a good rest, or do the stretch T25 videos on Sunday.

Plans are coming together...

But last night, I went ahead for the next video in T25 - the Speed 1.0

Again, very thankful for that modifier... Tonya... She's my best friend & doesn't know it.

At one point, during the burpee part, I think my heart almost exploded.

if you think I'm joking, look at my maximum heart rate.

Alarms should sound & oxygen masks come out with heart rates that high

& that's not even doing all of the burpees.. are you crazy?  I wouldn't be doing a blog update if that was the case.  I'd be dead in my basement with a dog eating my face off.

This post took a wrong turn somewhere.

Anyways - I did it... excited to get through another video.  Feeling like a BEAST!... looking like a Beauty - right? ;)

Tonight - back to running.  & its snowing & cold & everyone on Twitter is talking about the roads being horrible, so another night on the treadmill.

Just thankful I have one.

Press on friends!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

T25 First Day

After talking to a few people that know a LOT more then I do, they suggested that I still do the T25 along with the training for another half marathon...

& being the OCD person I am about following orders & plans, I was told to continue with what the calendar says... except don't do the lower body work out if it falls before the day before my long runs...

OK... a plan...

So I was excited to take the video & open up all the books & get ready.

25 minutes... I can do this - right?

I am someone who thinks in terms of numbers all the time.  I count when I run... I know how many steps are in a tenth of a mile, which leads me to knowing how many times I need to count 10 times to get to one mile... yes, I'm that crazy when it comes to numbers.

I'm like the Rain Man of Working Out....

If only I could turn my number nerdness into real money

I know myself well enough to know what 25 minutes looks like in a run - how I feel, how far I get...
So translate 25 minutes to a work out ... I can do this.

Media preview
Rephrase this...
I can do this WHILE working out around a dog that likes to lay dead center of the floor
I get extra points for this

The first thing I liked about this work out is they take some of the pressure off of me by having a count down clock, as well as a ticker that shows how long that particular exercise is going to last.

Which is great for those one exercises that you are feeling like they are straight from hell & are used for only some sort of spy torture... you can see the end is near...

Day 1 means the Cardio tape...

I was kinda interested to see how hard a work out can be for 25 minutes.

yeah... it had me sweating... & panting... & groaning... in just 25 minutes.

But I did it.. & actually enjoyed it.

Right after taking the picture, I'm still deep breathing

& even more so, I did it with thanks to the modifier. 

I ain't even trying to make it sound like I stepped in Day 1 & was like T25 pro... heck no... I wanted to find that Ms. Modifier lady & hug her in real life.

I would try each exercise at the full impact & most times, that would be for like 2 moves & then back to the modifier... but I loved she was there to show what to do.    And now I have a goal to get through the whole video without any modifications. 

I see T25 being in my life for awhile to get to that level....

My next dilemma?  My running training gives me 2 rest days... T25 gives me one...

So do I use a rest day today or do a T25 work out?... we shall see...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hello Training, my old friend...

My poor "Marathoning for Mortals" book...

its getting frayed & the pages are turned in the corner & the spine is in a permanent weird shape.

This book has been pulled out & flipped open so many times.

& it was time to open it once again.

No... it wasn't this feeling of doom opening the book

A plan to run the Kentucky Derby MiniMarathon in 14 weeks has me once again going to my schedule of how to live my life in the next few months.

I need a book like that for every other week... oh wait, I do have one.  But Bible talk is on my other blog page! ;)

I wanted to run outside since I haven't breathed fresh air while working out in months.  Literally... months...

I haven't ran outside since October. YIKES!  I didn't even think of that till I just wrote it.

But Day 1 wouldn't allow it. It was warm, but it was pouring buckets all day.  I don't mind running in rain, but not for a first day, I didn't want to swim in puddles, or small lakes that gather in the hills on my path.

Back to the basement on the treadmill.

That's OK...

it worked out well.  I reprogrammed the tv in front of my treadmill (aka Diana Prince) & I got new TV stations on there.  The one I came across last night was nothing but Christian music videos. 

Real videos.

like MTV in the old days when they played actual videos & not stupid shows 24/7

I loved it.  I was worshipping... with a beat & rhythm the whole time... it made the first day of training pretty smooth.

Go Jesus... Go Jesus... Go Jesus

Yes, I could feel my runners knee & my back pain.  Even felt a little bit of runner's knee pain in my 'good' knee... but just kept praising & going on with it anyways.

Day 1 - DONE!  BAM... here we go!
Day 1 - 3/1 intervals x 8

Monday, January 13, 2014

Here we go... again...

So this is it...

14 weeks before the Kentucky Derby miniMarathon...

Which means training starts today...

& it doesn't need to come any later then today.  I need to get started.... I'm feeling so "yuck" lately about my body... the way I feel.

I found out I'm someone who needs structure ... a plan.

That's why I was torn about doing the T25 or doing the Half Marathon training.  There is a calendar with the rotation of the T25 - exactly what work out you should do.  I get nervous to think about just picking which videos to do.... do them out of order... or just pick what I want to do...

That person isn't me...

My half marathon training is the same way... the weekly schedule of what to run, the intervals, what I need to do for long runs...


This is how I feel about my workouts

I'm excited to get back on a plan...

a tad nervous....

I also have done this enough to know that it comes with troubles, frustrations, injuries... heck, I'm going IN with injuries....

But let's do this...

Liz Lemon is always my inspiration

see where it takes me.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fruits & Veggies... where are you?

I'm still on the fence about the whole "Food Diary" thing, as you know if you saw my post the other day about it...

I actually tried a simple thing the past few days ... in the bottom of my journal, just a column for Fruits (F) & a column for Veggies (V) ...the idea is to just mark it down when I've had a serving.  We all know fruits & veggies are good for you... so I should have a whole lot of marks in these columns - right?

Just in the past few days, I've been shocked...

I think I had 1 mark next to Veggies on Wednesday...

Yesterday?  Nothing... not one mark!... NOT ONE FREAKING FRUIT OR VEGGIE!!

I need someone to do this to me apparently.....

I made it through a whole day of not one fruit or vegetable going into my system...


I think I just saw where my problem is with my diet...

Especially being a vegetarian, I should be overloading those columns with marks...

I've never really thought about it all before... just sort of looked at calories & fat & sugar & protein... but everyone needs basic fruits & veggies.  Isn't that enough to worry about?

Hoping this problem gets solved.  I've printed my first week of Happy Herbivore menu for the week, highlighting my grocery list... & it DOES include lost of fruits & veggies...

let's hope next week is full of check marks...

How about you?  You ever marked how many fruits & veggies you had in a day?

Would you be shocked too?

Thursday, January 9, 2014


That's why I love social media...

so you can find sources of inspiration that you never knew existed.

Words, quotes, encouragement, videos...

& this one is now making the rounds...

I think I love this one even more because the first few seconds where she introduces herself, it could be me sitting there talking...

Even more, I love this idea of #giveit100

Do something for 100 days & see what happens...

that's not even a full year.  That's just a little over 3 months...

They say if you do something for 30 days, it becomes a habit... can you imagine what 100 days does?

It really seems like an achievable goal too...

What a way to document your life too...

I'm inspired to think what I want to do in my next 100 days...

What about you?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Work out Dilemma

So I posted yesterday about how I was waiting by the door for my T25...

The Fed-Ex guy must read my blog because as soon as I got home from work, someone pulled up into my drive way & left a package..

YES.. here it is...

Media preview

I really was like a kid on Christmas morning.  Give me scissors to cut the box & STAND BACK.. mainly because I'm really dangerous with scissors.

I poured into the box.  Then said, "Where's the books?"... it was supposed to come with a cookbook with 5 ingredients or less & a chart to keep track of everything... but they were there - just a LOT smaller then I thought.  They fit in the DVD box.

So I'm excited... going to start on Monday... because the chart tells me to start on a Monday.

& then I looked at my calendar & my dilemma begins...

I'm registered to run the Kentucky Derby miniMarathon on April 19th... paid in full...


& my training that I follow (Marathon for Mortals) has a 14 week plan... which would start on, you guessed it, Monday...

So what do I do?

The running plan has me running on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & a long run on Saturday... with cross training on Wednesday & Friday...

So do I put off the T25 until I get through the running training?
Do I forget the race & first try & get fit with this T25, which lasts 10 weeks?
Or do I go REALLY crazy & try to do BOTH?

T25 workout is 6 days a week

I actually thought about this last night... if I do both, I could potentially get up at 5am & do the T25 in the morning before work... which would require some SERIOUS dedication.  I'd have to be in bed early, which freaks me out because I do love my night time TV...

Priorities... gotta have 'em...

 & I'm not much of a morning workout person...

This would be me in the morning

But then I could dedicate nights for running... & if there is no running scheduled, just relax on those nights since I got my cross training in with the T25 earlier...

I don't know what to do...

Do I really push myself?  Maybe cause more injuries with my back & knee? ... or do I push myself & become some sort of She-Beast that is amazing & find strength I never knew I had?

I know this is giving my brain a workout...

I have to Monday to decide....

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 begins with my Nike Watch

I mentioned before that I bought the workout program T25 ...

& I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. 

I am waiting by the door every day... watching the Fed-ex truck drive by, leaving me sad.

Its OK because I've been wanting to try out my new Nike Watch that my hubby got me for Christmas.  But its negative temps so I won't be out testing the GPS function... I want to use the sensor.  But that also means I'm supposed to put it in the bottom of my shoe - which doesn't seem comfortable at all.  So I ordered a strap that goes on the top of the show...

waited for another delivery.

At least that one came in.

So last night, it was my first time on the treadmill with my new gadget.

I love it...

Love the white...
now if I can keep it clean

its so clear in the display - its accurate in the distance & speed - I love the ease of uploading the info... I absolutely love it.

This was my first time moving like this in probably 3 weeks ... how sad is that?

But I was nervous.  My knee & back is a constant now & I don't want to make things worse, but I also don't want to continue down this slope of unhealthy & gaining weight.

I had bought new shoes in August so pulled those out. I got my last pair for my birthday, so they were a year old... time to put new shoes on.

So between new shoes & the new gadget, I started out slow... walking... I walked 4 minutes, jogged for 1... the impact, I could feel in my knees & back, but it wasn't horrible.  Totally bearable.

Now, if I got some of this weight off, I would imagine it will be MUCH bearable...

So we'll see how it goes...

Another year starting...

Speaking of year, I got my stats from Daily Mile... I got in 440 miles for 2014.  Not awesome... not horrible.

So since I started running, here's where I stand:

2010 = 355 miles
2011 = 621 miles
2012 = 588 miles
2013 = 440 miles

Now to get back to 2011 stats...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Food diaries.... lifestyle or obsession?

We're into the beginning of the new year...

where everyone wants to start to get healthy - wants to work out - wants to watch what their eating.

The trick is making it last more then 2 weeks into the year...
I'm speaking to myself more then anyone with that statement.

So I'm at a dilemma - the food diary.

I use My Fitness Pal & last year, at once point, had used it over 250 days in a row.  I missed using it when we went out of town & when the number went down to zero again, I lost all motivation.

So I'm torn whether I want to start it again or not.

Yes - I do think it makes a difference to watch your intake. 
Yes - I do like to stay up on how much protein I get in a day since I'm not a meat eater & I rarely get enough protein in a day according to my daily entries.

But I also know it makes me obsessive over the issue...

I feel like I have to read every label & check the calories & figure out when I'm going to work out to cover some extra calories.

... & truth be told, I know that's the point..

But I can take things to a whole other level.

Obsessive doesn't even cover it.

Obsession can take different levels of crazy

It makes it work... not a lifestyle... which is what a food change should be.

So maybe I'll give a try & see how it goes.

Maybe not be TOO stressed if I miss every last count of crackers I eat but still guess-timating to know around where I'm at in day?

We'll see ...

if you see me & I'm counting out green beans on my plate, you know its time to get me help.

Do you use a Food Diary?

Do Food Diaries help you?

What's your favorite food app?